On this occasion, Ahli artikel will explain about the article titled The art and science of crop production.
Primitive man lived on wild game,leaves, roots, seeds, berries, and fruit. As the population increased, the food supply was not always sufficiently stable or plentiful to supply his needs. Crop production began when domestication of plants became essential to suplement natural supplies. The art of crop production is older than civilization, and its essential features have remained almost unchanged since the dawn of history. the features include:
1. Gathering and preserving the seed of the desired crop plants,
2. Destroying other kinds of vegetation growing on the land,
3. Stirring the soil to form a seedbed,
4. Planting the seeds when the season and weather are right as shown by past experience,
5. Destroying weeds,
6. Protecting the crop from natural enemies, and
7. gathering, processing and storing the products.
Farm machines merely speed the hand of man in doing these thing or enable him to do the work better.
According to the story of the Creation, man originally was expected to subsist solely upon horticultural and animal food. Only after he had tasted the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge did he consume field-crop production.
Romans of the first century intertilled many crops with iron hand knives. Intertillage was practiced on almost all crops grown by American Indians. Intertillage with animal power was advocated in England in the 17th century.
The old art of crop production still predominates in farm practice throughout the world. Plant pathologists and entomologists have found ways to control plant disease and insect pests more effectively. Chemist and agronomists have found supplements for the manure and ashes formerly used for fertilizers. Rotation perhaps are slightly improved. Many new crop varieties have been introduced.
Agronomy is the branch of agriculture that treats of the principles and practice of crop production and field management. The term was derived from two Greek words, agros (field) and nomos (to manage). Scientific research in agronomy may be said to have begun with the establishment of the first experiment station by J.B. Boussingault in Alsace in 1834, althought many empirical test long before that time had established numerous facts about crop and soils. Agronomy has been a distinct and recognized branch of agricultural science only since about 1900. The American Society of Agronomy was organized in 1908. Agronomy had its origin largely in the science of botany, chemistry, and physic.
Thus the explanation of articles on the art and science of crop production, may be useful.
Book Principles of Field Crop Production | John H. Martin - Warren H. Leonard | COLLIER Macmillan (1967)
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