Hello readers, meet again with Ahli Artikel. Today, Ahli Artikel will distribute the article entitled Fertilizer and Object of Fertilization. Please read the explanation below.
Object Of Fertilization
Fertilizers are applied to the soil to promote greater plant growth or better crop quality. Farmers are interested in the kinds and amounts of fertilizers that will give a profitable crop response. Where a fertilizer does not stimulate the growth or improve the quality of a crop or turf, it is not needen to maintain the current productivity of the soil. Where needed, fertilizer is applied in amounts sufficient to induce maximum profitable returns. A residue not utilized by the crop usually remains for soil maintenance. Fertilizers may improve the vegetative cover, which indirectly reduces soil erosion.
Object Of Fertilization
Fertilizers are applied to the soil to promote greater plant growth or better crop quality. Farmers are interested in the kinds and amounts of fertilizers that will give a profitable crop response. Where a fertilizer does not stimulate the growth or improve the quality of a crop or turf, it is not needen to maintain the current productivity of the soil. Where needed, fertilizer is applied in amounts sufficient to induce maximum profitable returns. A residue not utilized by the crop usually remains for soil maintenance. Fertilizers may improve the vegetative cover, which indirectly reduces soil erosion.
A century ago Justus von Liebig proposed that we should return to the soil that which is removed in crops. This balance-sheet theory is perfect arithmetic but often very unscientific agronomy, or, as one writer has said: “This reasoning is, of course, both specious and antiquated.” Fortunately, farmers seldom have heeded the suggestion. To have done so would have improverished thousands of them, especially in marginal dry areas where crops may not respond to fertilizers except sometimes on the sandier soils.
Mining fertilizer materials to apply to soils solely to maintain the status quo of fertilizer mineral elements may be wasteful of our natural resources. Nitrates, potash, calcium, and magnesium leach downward readily and are lost where the rainfall is high. Phosphorus, when applied to the soil, is often fixed in the surface layers where it is subject to loss by erosion.
Fertilizer needs can be determined only by experiments or farm trials with the particular crop, variety, soil type, and environment. That is the purpose of fertilizer test at experiment stations as well as in demonstration plots on farms. Fertilizer needs can be estimated by pot experiments, laboratory cultures, observation of deficiency symptoms in palnts, chemical test of plant tissues and soils, and a knowledge of soil types and fundamental principles.
Soil is the cheapest and the only ample source of fertilizer elements. High yields of crops remove more fertilizer elements from the soil than do low crop yields, but this fact does not justify crop neglect. The soil depletion that occurs under good management need not be viewed with too much alarm. Columella wrote in the 1st century. “The earth neither grows old nor wears out, if it be dunged.” This philosophy is confirmed on fields of Europe and Asia that have been farmed for centuries. Fertilizers can restore depleted soils.
A farmer can afford to apply fertilizer that give a profitable response only where crop growing with fertilization itself is profitable. Consequently, use of improved varieties or other practices that bring profitable crop yields may actually facilitate soil improvement, when they encourage greater use of fertilizers. This has occurred in the United States since 1940, with striking increases in crop yields.
Well , that's some explanation about Fertilizer and Object of Fertilization, Hopefully can be useful. . .
Book Principles of Field Crop Production | John H. Martin - Warren H. Leonard | COLLIER Macmillan (1967)
Book Principles of Field Crop Production | John H. Martin - Warren H. Leonard | COLLIER Macmillan (1967)
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