At this opportunity Ahli Artikel will present an explanation of the article entitled GREEN MANURE, AND PURPOSE OF GREEN MANURING, check this below
Green Manure
Purpose of Green Manuring
A green-manure crop is grown to be turned under for soil improvement while in a succulent condition. A cover crop is one used to cover and protect the soil surface, especially during the winter.Cover crops are commonly turned under for green manure. Green manures are used primarily to increase the yield of subsequent crop as well as to improve the friability of the soil. This is brought about (1) an increase in the content of organic matter in the soil to counterbalance losses of organic matter through cultivation, (2) prevention of leaching of plant nutrients from the soil during periods between regular crops, (3) an increase in the supply of combined nitrogen in the soil when leguminous plants are turned under, and (4) mobilizing mineral elements.
Crops such as buckwheat , rye, lespedeza, and sweetclover are able to grow fairly well on poor soils. When plowed under to decay, they may release nutrients that were unavailable to other crops.
The use of rye for green manure on very sandy soils being brought under irrigation adds organic matter that helps hold moisture and retard sand drifting while alfalfa is being established. Heavy green manuring helps cotton as well as sweetpotatoes to overcome injury from the Phymatotrichum root-rot disease.
Turning under a leguminous green manure may be expected to add from 50 to 200 pounds per acre of nitrogen, but neither legumes nor nonlegumes add other mineral elements to the soil. When either type of green manure increase crop yields it also hastens depletion of phosphorus, potash, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur in the soil. A nonlegume speeds up nitrogen depletion also.
Green manuring was practiced by the Greeks and Chinese before the Christian Era. Lupines, peas, vetch, lentils, and weeds were being turned under as green manures 2,000 years ago. Leguminous green-manure crops, as well as buckwheat, oats, and rye, were used by the American colonist.
The use of cover crops is most widespread along the Atlantic seaboard as well as in the southern states where cover crops are planted especially to check soil erosion, runoff, and leaching. They are finally turned under for green manures. Their value for soil improvement from the standpoint of yields of subsequent crops appears to be greatest in this general region. Some 3 million acres of cover crops are planted annually in the United States.
And that explained the article entitled Green Manure, and Purpose of Green Manuring, may be able to increase the knowledge of the reader. . .
Book Principles of Field Crop Production | John H. Martin - Warren H. Leonard | COLLIER Macmillan (1967)
At this opportunity Ahli Artikel will present an explanation of the article entitled GREEN MANURE, AND PURPOSE OF GREEN MANURING, check this below
Green Manure
Purpose of Green Manuring
A green-manure crop is grown to be turned under for soil improvement while in a succulent condition. A cover crop is one used to cover and protect the soil surface, especially during the winter.Cover crops are commonly turned under for green manure. Green manures are used primarily to increase the yield of subsequent crop as well as to improve the friability of the soil. This is brought about (1) an increase in the content of organic matter in the soil to counterbalance losses of organic matter through cultivation, (2) prevention of leaching of plant nutrients from the soil during periods between regular crops, (3) an increase in the supply of combined nitrogen in the soil when leguminous plants are turned under, and (4) mobilizing mineral elements.
Crops such as buckwheat , rye, lespedeza, and sweetclover are able to grow fairly well on poor soils. When plowed under to decay, they may release nutrients that were unavailable to other crops.
The use of rye for green manure on very sandy soils being brought under irrigation adds organic matter that helps hold moisture and retard sand drifting while alfalfa is being established. Heavy green manuring helps cotton as well as sweetpotatoes to overcome injury from the Phymatotrichum root-rot disease.
Turning under a leguminous green manure may be expected to add from 50 to 200 pounds per acre of nitrogen, but neither legumes nor nonlegumes add other mineral elements to the soil. When either type of green manure increase crop yields it also hastens depletion of phosphorus, potash, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur in the soil. A nonlegume speeds up nitrogen depletion also.
Green manuring was practiced by the Greeks and Chinese before the Christian Era. Lupines, peas, vetch, lentils, and weeds were being turned under as green manures 2,000 years ago. Leguminous green-manure crops, as well as buckwheat, oats, and rye, were used by the American colonist.
The use of cover crops is most widespread along the Atlantic seaboard as well as in the southern states where cover crops are planted especially to check soil erosion, runoff, and leaching. They are finally turned under for green manures. Their value for soil improvement from the standpoint of yields of subsequent crops appears to be greatest in this general region. Some 3 million acres of cover crops are planted annually in the United States.
And that explained the article entitled Green Manure, and Purpose of Green Manuring, may be able to increase the knowledge of the reader. . .
Book Principles of Field Crop Production | John H. Martin - Warren H. Leonard | COLLIER Macmillan (1967)
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